1. Sevens Card Game Online
  2. Sevens Card Game Free Download
  3. Sevens Card Game Drinking
  4. Sevens Card Game Rules
  5. Sevens Card Game Instructions

Compile the best five-card combination and defeat all foes. Object of the Game The goal of each player is to win the pot, which contains all the bets that the players have made in any one deal. A player makes a bet in hopes that they have the best pot, which to give the impression that they do. Fan Tan, also known as Sevens or Domino and in Britain sometimes as Parliament is a straightforward game in which the object is to get rid of all one's cards by playing them to a layout.

Seven-card stud poker is a classic poker game. The most important thing to remember when learning this game is that you get 7 cards to make your final 5 card hand, and you don't have to use any specific ones, just whichever 5 make the highest hand.

What You Need:

  • 52-Card Deck
  • Chips (or something to bet with)
  • 2-7 Players

Difficulty: Easy

Estimated Time: 15 Minutes

Sevens Card Game Online

Here's How:

  1. All players put in an ante.
  2. Starting to his/her left, the dealer deals each player two cards down (called hole or pocket cards) and one card face-up.
  3. Everyone looks at their hole cards.
  4. The player with the lowest card showing face-up has to put in a small bet called a 'bring in.' Then betting continues to that low-card player's left. Each player can call, raise, or fold their cards.
  5. After the betting is completed, another card is dealt to each player face-up. This card is also known as 'fourth street' or 'the turn.'
  6. Another round of betting occurs, starting now with the player with the highest cards showing. From fourth street on, the player with the highest cards showing will continue to be the first to bet.
  7. After betting is complete, the fifth card (fifth street or the river) is dealt face-up. More betting occurs, then the sixth card is dealt face up. More betting.
  8. The 7th and final card is dealt face-down to the players remaining in the hand. A final round of betting occurs.
  9. The players show their hands at the showdown. The player who can make the best five-card hand from the seven they were dealt, wins.
Sevens card game drinkingSevens card game online

Sevens Card Game Free Download

OBJECTIVE OF SEVENS: Be the player with the highest score at the end of the game


MATERIALS: Six 6 sided dice and a way to keep score

TYPE OF GAME: Dice game

AUDIENCE: Family, Adults


Sevens is a fun little dice game that challenges players to push their luck each round. During a player’s turn, they will have three chances to score as many points as possible. Watch out! Any two dice that add up to 7 are removed.


Before the game begins, determine how many rounds you are going to play.

Each player should roll all six dice. The player with the highest total gets to go first.

On a player’s turn, they get to roll the dice three times in order to get the highest score possible for the round. A player begins their turn by rolling all six dice. After doing so, they must remove any two dice combinations that equal 7. Any two dice that add up to seven must be removed. Examples include 6-1, 5-2, and 4-3.

Once those dice are removed, the player has the choice to either roll the remaining dice, or keep what’s left as their score for the round. If the player chooses to roll the remaining dice, they repeat the process of removing any two dice combinations that equal 7.

Sevens Card Game Drinking

Finally, if a player chooses, they can roll the remaining dice one more time. After removing any two dice combinations that equal 7, that player must keep the remaining dice as their score.

For example, if player one makes their first roll, and get s 1-2-4-6-3-3, they must remove the 1-6 and the 4-3. This leaves player one with the 2-3. They can choose to either keep the total of 5 for their score, or they may roll those two dice again. The player chooses to roll them again. This time they get a 1-1. Not happy with this score, they take their chance and roll one last time. They get a 6-6 (the lucky duck). Their score for this round is 12.

If a player is left with two dice, chooses to roll them, and gets a roll that equals 7, those dice are removed and that player earns zero points.

Sevens Card Game Rules

At the end of their turn, each player will add the points earned to their total score. Play passes to the next player and continues until the predetermined number of rounds is complete.


Sevens Card Game Instructions

The player with the highest score at the end of the predetermined number of rounds is the winner. If a tie occurs, those who are tied play until the tie is broken.